Monday, February 2, 2009

Choosing sunglasses for motorcycle riding

In most states it is required that motorcycle riders wear some sort of eye protection be it in the way of a face shield on a helmet or sunglasses.
Since I've personally never been a big fan of face shields I've always opted for the sunglasses route for eye protection. For many years I wore aviator sunglasses but the wind coming in around the glasses caused my eyes to dry out so I found a pair of cheap wraparound sunglasses that helped keep the wind down. Now I know it's cool to have the best, most expensive sunglasses you can get your hands on but for riding motorcycles I always go with the cheap sunglasses for the simple fact that I've lost too many pair to count over the years.
One thing to keep in mind when buying sunglasses is make sure they offer UV protection. No UV protection can be worse for your eyes than not wearing sunglasses at all.
Anyways ,something to think about when picking out sunglasses for motorcycle riding ,,get something that wraps around to help keep the wind out of your eyes and don't spend a fortune on them because they are probably gonna blow off or get lost at some point in time.

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