Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Getting the Most out of Riding Leather

Any time you are riding a motorcycle it's always a good idea to be prepared . Now I know a lot of people in S.C. including myself enjoy the fact that we don't have a helmet law, but that doesn't mean I don't think about the possibilities of being involved in an accident or think that I'm above getting hurt. Leather riding gear does a lot more than protect you from the cold , it can save some hide should you take a spill. The pavement is a lot tougher than flesh and a short slide down a gravel road can quickly remove large sums skin. Leather motorcycle jackets can protect body parts that stick out ,,like the elbows , one of the first things to come in contact with the road when you go down. Leather chaps aren't much for saving the tail end but they are efficient at preserving the knees. The internet is a great place to start a search for some decent prices on nice leather riding gear. There are many vendors online so what I do is check out all the prices and write down the brand name of product that I like . Then I visit local shops searching for the same item. When I find what I'm looking for I try it on for proper size and fit. Then I'm prepared with information to give me some bargaining power . If the local dealer won't compete with the price then I just order it online. Now I don't like to take advantage of local sales people and I don't mind them making a living. If they come within a reasonable amount of the online price I'll still buy local. So next time you're in the market for leather jackets or leather chaps, do you're research online first. You'll be amazed at just how much bargaining power a little information will buy you.

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